Why Jack?
…because experience matters.
When Jack became Senator of the 7th Senate District in 2011, New York was in turmoil. Democrats had issued $14 billion in new taxes, passed a $354 million commuter tax, stripped homeowners of STAR rebate checks, and routinely diverted millions in school aid away from Long Island to NYC schools. Runaway property taxes and perpetually late state budgets caused massive deficits and made it clear that Albany was no longer working for the people. In fact, The Brennan Center for Justice called our capital the “most dysfunctional in the nation.”
As a newly-elected state senator, Jack helped usher in a new era of improved state government. His efforts were widely recognized, most notably by the New York Public Interest Research Group and Newsday, who hailed his leading the Long Island delegation with 34 bills approved by both houses in 2014.
As State Senator from 2011 to 2017, Jack:
Passed an historic 2% property tax cap
Repealed the MTA Payroll Tax
Cut income taxes for middle-class New Yorkers to the lowest level in 58 years
Increased state education aid by 19% to Long Island schools and lead the fight against Common Core
Implemented “NY Works,” helping create 139,400 new jobs for New York
Closed $13 billion in budget deficits without raising a single tax or fee
Restored STAR rebates for homeowners, veterans and seniors
Passed six, consecutive, on-time, balanced state budgets
Even the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranked New York as one of the top 10 states in the country for economic growth, productivity, and livability. Community and business groups named Jack a leader in fiscal discipline, tax relief and job creation.
Newsday wrote:
“In his first two years in Albany, Sen. Jack Martins has shown that his effectiveness as mayor of Mineola was no fluke. He has been a thoughtful, serious, reasonable legislator, too.”

Because Governor Hochul and her Democrat majorities in the State Senate and Assembly are now controlled by New York City’s radical, “progressives” who are working overtime to make sure our suburbs no longer have a voice in Albany. Somebody has to hold them accountable for their constant assault on our communities. That’s always been Jack Martins.
A Self-Made Migrant Crisis
The national migrant crisis that rankled Washington D.C. is now overwhelming New York. So, what did Albany Democrats do? They declared New York a “sanctuary state” and made a bad situation worse. While they cut aid to Long Island schools, their budget awards migrants $2.4 billion, bringing the total amount of taxpayer dollars to an eye-popping $4.3 billion! And while they summon the national guard for this “emergency” they still refuse to roll back our sanctuary status. They continue to choose virtue signaling and chaos. This isn’t fair to migrants and it certainly isn’t fair to taxpayers who deserve better for their families. This political folly places our state on the verge of insolvency.
Antisemitism on the Rise
The atrocities committed on October 7th by the Hamas terrorists were the worst attack against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Since then, college campuses around New York have only compounded the tragedy. This vile and morally repugnant behavior includes explicit expressions of support for violent terrorists, and hate speech of the worst kind including calls for Jews to be killed, harassed and intimidated – all while students participate in the destruction of campus property, burglary, forcible takeover of campus buildings, and physical attacks on police officers. Instead of a strong show of support for Jewish neighbors, Senate Democratic leaders have remained silent while some have publicly expressed support for these protesters! It’s time to send them a message: New Yorkers will never tolerate antisemitism.
More Soft-on-Crime, Pro-Criminal Policies
The Democrats gleefully chanted “defund the police” while our neighborhoods were under siege. Now their dangerous cashless bail law has prompted skyrocketing crime across the state by allowing violent, repeat offenders to go back to our neighborhood streets. Smash and grab crime is an everyday occurrence as retail workers are attacked and stores close their doors. At the same time, their final budget included $1 million in transportation funding so that people can travel to visit convicted criminals in prisons across New York – all at taxpayer expense. Who are Democrats working for?
They attack our suburbs
Instead of letting local towns and villages decide their zoning as they always have, the Albany Democrats are still trying to force feed us hi-rises and eliminate our single-family homes. Last year they called it “accessory housing.” This year they dubbed it “faith-based” housing. But no matter how they disguise it, it’s always the same result: overcrowded schools, parking problems, burdened local utilities, and eventual tax increases for homeowners.
The MTA, fare hikes, and Congestion Pricing
They turned a blind eye to the fare evading, turnstile jumpers that cost taxpayers $700 million a year. Then they stuck suburban commuters with congestion pricing, a blatant money grab to bolster an ailing MTA that’s already $38 billion in debt. Now they grabbed money earmarked for our system "improvements" and gave NYC riders a discount – while sticking Long Islanders with the bill. Make no mistake, whether it’s congestion pricing, LIRR fare hikes, or even E-Z pass price increases – Long Island is Albany’s personal piggy bank and it has to stop.
Skyrocketing Cost of Living
The lack of affordability in the Empire State has clearly reached crisis proportions, with thousands of New Yorkers fleeing to more affordable states. Our high costs of living and doing business have exacerbated this crisis, while contributing to our poor business climate. But instead of tackling this problem, Albany Democrats continue to tax and spend. In fact, their recent budget includes a staggering $8 billion spending increase over last year’s budget. And it’s more than $65 billion or 38% higher than the last Republican budget we passed just five years ago- saddling us with a whopping $237 billion spending spree. And they’re proud of it! But that money comes out of your pocket.
The one-party experiment in New York state government has clearly failed, resulting in a crime wave, higher taxes and general disgust with New York. What’s worse, New Yorkers are losing hope.
We need Jack to hold the line for our Long Island neighborhoods and for common sense.
“When I left the Senate, we had compromise, we had balance and the suburbs had a voice. Nassau County had a voice because of people who were willing to fight for Nassau County families,” Martins said. “Since then, we’ve had politics in Albany that not only have put our families at risk, but when politicians put criminals ahead of our families, it’s time to go back and make a difference."
- Jack Martins, Newsday
In 2022, Newsday wrote:
Yet the broader feeling that Long Island’s interests again need passionate defending is real. And Martins is a shrewd, experienced and pragmatic defender of those interests…This year, Long Island needs a bare-knuckled advocate, one who has standing to build a long-needed bipartisan suburban coalition. Newsday endorses Martins.
While the North Shore Leader wrote:
Jack Martins has been a fighter for all of us on Long Island. We need him back in the NYS Senate.
Results, Not Promises
Jack is widely regarded as an innovative leader in fiscal discipline, tax relief and job creation. As state senator, he helped usher in a new era for New York, one that delivered cooperation, on-time budgets, and the lowest state taxes in over 50 years. Those are results – not promises. We need that kind of common sense, more now than ever.